Monday, January 26, 2009

Peer Pressure Strikes... AGAIN!

'Ello everyone, and, yes, I did get a blog. Which I will most likely never update unless I am bothered even more. Peer pressure and constant nagging really gets to me, so I really hope there are none of those 'real life' situations that everyone always talks about coming up anytime soon.

Although I may just end up blocking everyone except invites, I'm not inclined to share anything but my random thoughts to the world. See, for instance, if I put up a picture of my beloved beagle, some dog stalker who is also on this very blog website may track her down and then proceed to stalk her. This may not be the most drastic situation, but, you have to admit, it could happen. However, I will probably go back on my word and end up posting a whole bunch of Taffy pictures anyways, among other things.

If I'm going to go ahead and pretend that people will read this, I might as well introduce myself-- though some would argue that they know more about me than me... or at least think that they have more accurate opinions of me.

I have a dog, a beagle named Taffy, and cats despise me. Seriously, they scratch me up EVERY time I try to hold them. You could try to guess my age, but I can only say for certain that I'm in school. So, if we're all thinking about this logically, I would be 0, or 1, at the youngest and maybe at oldest around 24 if I just got my Bachelor's degree in college. But, seeing as I can type coherent sentences and appear to have a sense of grammar, punctuation, and some knowledge at least, I may or may not be over 9, let's say. And, of course, if you already know me, even with my super secret code name, then this whole excercise was useless. Hmmm... I guess you could say that I tend to overthink things and am a perfectionist, in a way (or a lot of ways). And I am in no way a social butterfly-- more like a worm, who hides underground all the time; although I could be a caterpillar because people claim that I have potential.

Anyhow, that 'short' introduction became really long really fast, so I will end this post with a cool quote that I found:

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
- Abraham Lincoln (attributed to)


  1. You are REALLY witty. Caterpillar! It's true, though, because you DO have potential. And I think you are about... 19. :) Please post Taffy pics! (Or at least send some to me) Because we never know if there's gonna be dog stalkers... And I love your pic. Is it from deviantart? Cause I think I've seen it before... AHA! PEER PRESSURE!

  2. I always misread caterpillar as capertillar. So I'll have to call you Capertillar from now on :)

    yaay you got a blog! <3

    I didn't know you had a cat... o.O

  3. on with the peer pressure thing...
    And ditto with Bertolt on Taffy pictures...
    And we need to work on that "flawed vision" (you put it so beautifully that it would be pointless to try to say something wittier (is that a word?)instead...)
    Then again we just love you the way you are...

    Gummy Bear!
