Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bloviating for No Real Reason

Dearest darlingest blog, whom I expected never to write in again nor expect anyone to read. I bet that grammar was wrong. There is no better explanation for this post other than pure procrastinating of that which needs to be done (because if this was to procrastinate on that which doesn't need to be done, then it most certainly wouldn't be called procrastinating). Nobody's going to read this forever never (and my brain tells me that's 99% true, because this is nowhere near an important anything), so that should mean I can write whatever I want. But I still don't feel like writing whatever I want because the internet is watching and there is the off-chance that someone may actually read this random smattering of words.
Today I got a haircut, an estimated three inches off of my hair. And it feels like three inches of my being has been cut off XP. Actually, that's just overdramatizing it (in case you, the internet, were wondering and thinking that my hair means that much to me), but still, it's weird having shorter hair. Oh well. I can't magically poof it back--that would be really weird. And, admittedly, one of the worst superpowers ever. I can just imagine...
A meeting of the underground society of real [EDIT: teenage] superheroes in the world:
Aka. The Justice League [EDIT: The Teen Titans] (Real World Edition)
"Role Call! Real Batman [EDIT: sorry, Batman has been kicked out now that it's the Teen Titans] ! Robin! Cyborg! Beast Boy! Starfire! Raven! Aqualad! Speedy!
Hotspot! Bumblebee! Mas y Menos!" (I actually cheated, I just listed off Teen Titans... I guess I should rename it then.. see above)
"And... GoldenLocks?" (fail name)
"YES! My power involves me magically growing and shortening my hair in a split second!"
Can't you imagine the laughter? They would most certainly be ridiculed to no end. See, only with the assurance that nobody is going to read this does this randomness spew out that, upon rereading it, isn't that funny at all. At. All.
I think this calls for fake-singing, just because Clowny wants me to sing in real life (and would be the one to actually read this just because she's so computer-obsessed). This entails me typing up all of the lyrics and pretending to sing. In my head. Actually, the girl I babysit had me do this once for Taylor Swift's "You Belong With Me"-- she was amazed at my typing speed. Ha.
Umm.... What about.... Random Song... there. Thunder. Very well, shuffle of fate.
Today's a winding road/ That's taking me to places that I didn't want to go/ Today in the blink of an eye/ I'm holding on to something and I do not know why/ I tried/ I tried to read between the lines/ I tried to look in your eyes/ I want a simple explanation for what I'm feeling inside/ Gotta find a way out/ Maybe there's a way out/ Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer/ Do you know you're unlike any other?/ You'll always be my thunder/ And I said, your eyes are the brightest of all the colors/ I don't want to ever love another/ You'll always be my thunder/ So bring on the rain/ And bring on the thunder/ Today's a winding road/ Tell me where to start and tell me something I don't know/ Today, I'm on my own/ I can't move a muscle and I can't pick up the phone/ I don't know/ And now I'm itching for the tall grass/ I'm longing for the breeze/ I need to step outside just to see if I can breathe/ Gotta find a way out/ Maybe there's a way out/ Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer/ Do you know you're unlike any other?/ You'll always be my thunder/ And I said, your eyes are the brightest of all the colors/ I don't want to ever love another/ You'll always be my thunder/ So bring on the rain/ Yeah, I'm walking on a tight rope/ I'm wrapped up in vines/ I think we'll make it out/ You just got to give me time/ Strike me down with lightning/ Let me feel you in my veins/ I wanna let you know how much I feel your pain/ Today's a winding road/ That's taking me to places that I didn't want to go/ Your voice was the soundtrack of my summer/ Do you know you're unlike any other?/ You'll always be my thunder/ And I said, your eyes are the brightest of all the colors/ I don't want to ever love another/ You'll always be my thunder/ And I said, your voice was the soundtrack of my summer/ Do you know you're unlike any other?/ You'll always be my thunder/ So bring on the rain/ Oh baby bring on the pain/ And listen to the thunder
Well then, that took a little while. Lyrics take up space :P.
Um.. What else to talk about to the empty void... I could confess all my deepest, darkest secrets-- but I already said that I wouldn't do that. Silly internet/ potential 1% reader, you were getting all excited, weren't you. Not that my secrets are very deep or dark, I'll have you know, but just to keep your interest, I do happen to have secrets. Some of which only a few people will ever know. Namely myself. The person who I have to trust no matter what, and even then I can't because of skewed antisocial judgment that probably needs to be overwritten in some way.
AHA! Not that the internet needed to know this, but I just changed my wallpaper to an epic Persona 4 background from Deviantart :D YAY!
I forget what else I wanted to wittily comment about... hm.... (not that I had much of a plan to start with, or any plan for that matter) I shall practice drawing more and more until the proportions and entire sketches aren't fail. As most are in my notebook, but they're definitely improving from my fake-half-anime eyes that I started with last year at this time because I had no ability to even think about realistic features. So they're not uberfail now, at least.
Speaking of uberfail.. (and no this won't be talking about uberquest, though I should write some of it and in typing this I just mentioned uberquest)... HA. I beat the pressure and didn't go to fall formal nor did I get asked :P NYAH. Though I really hope my future isn't clouded with the looming possiblity of going to a dance >.< That would most certainly be awful.
Anyways, I fear these musings have become nothing more than a string of misconnected thoughts not fit to be on the internet among the many piles of crap published on it, and among the rare great, hilarious, wonderful things that are few and far between. Well, not that few since I do happen to have certain favorites that are newly discovered. But for every Cherry-approved website there are thousands of wasted words like this blog that nobody cares about in the slightest and just helps clog the online community. ^"have become"... who am I kidding (that was rhetorical, by the way), this always was a lumpy, half-tied chain that may be falling apart as seconds tick by. Heh. But maybe, if I become suddenly semi-famous for some random achievement and some poor child ever has to do a family history report or history day project on my life, then this will make an excellent example of a primary source representing the random thoughts that every average child has, and only some are insane enough to put into words and type out. Actually, it probably is sub-average in the fact that I, a teenage hormonal girl, have not mentioned boys at all. Well. There it is. I mentioned it. Ha. Now someone can potentially misquote me and twist everything I'm saying because I typed 'boys' once. Actually twice.
My 'anyways' finishing statement (or what was supposed to be) became a giant paragraph... oh well. My brain bids you (it's up to you to figure out who 'you' is) farewell.
O~O <-stalker face peers into your soul. and life.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

>.< Why AM I Updating?

Oh. Right. Because Polly Wolly here (well, there-- somewhere in cyberspace right now, I guarantee it) told me to, although she types to me almost every day (>9). But I really don't have anything new to say... my life has actually been busy this summer but nothing particularily hilarious that anyone would want to spend their time reading about. But, because I'm being forced (mentally... the pressure's building... actually, not really) or not-so-forced, then I'm going to try to infuse humor into my life. HAHA. <-- Hopefully better than (HAHA) that.

The little kids haven't driven me insane yet :P and they're actually quite cute (and remember my name better than SOME teachers). Except those occasional bad seeds that are little violent crazies (who grabs a leg bone replica and starts running around [away from me] and whacking other people and tv screens with it while grunting like a caveman?!)or just... odd. Like *sigh* Aiden. With an 'E.' Not an 'A.' (Little campers can get confusing... 3 Zachs/2 Jacks/Aiden/Aidan >.<) He never wants to sing or play games, packs a buffet for snack, gets bored SUPER easily, eats paper, goes to sit in the sun far away to get warm (WHEN HE'S ALREADY STANDING IN SUN TO BEGIN WITH grr..), can't walk in line, starts an 'Aiden Club,' and throws his nametag on the ground and stomps on it (we've stopped trying to get him to wear one). But for every super-annoyance, there are always the excellent little learners, who you all probably don't want to hear me commend, because that might be a tad dull. Just to counter the weirdies, Ruby, Owen, Josh, Jaden, Rose, Chloe, Kieran... there are probably others :D. Some of them have the funniest little quirks too: a little boy named Charlie was eating plum slices, but he could never get the food into his mouth on the first try-- he always poked his cheek with it first =P. Hmm.. there has to be more quotes.. I'll think of them eventually.

What else is happening in my life... oh, my family has sunk/climbed (depending on your perspective) to a new level of nerdiness (or so it would seem) with Geocaching. It's actually really fun, like a giant treasure hunt only the 'prize' is basically finding it, though you can trade little trinkets too in some of them. The really tiny cylinders are hard to find... all the vets were staring at us at one point or another when we were searching for one outside their office. We eventually asked for hints (because they had seen enough loiterers/geocachers to get interested, and found the little bugger themselves so they can laugh at inexpierienced, bumbling people such as us), and found it on the back of a road sign after digging around in bushes and trees for 15/20 minutes. Ugh. But, despite the frustration, it's really fun and surprisingly rewarding to find the prize after searching for so long and screaming like an idiot :D. There was one at the city hall yesterday, and we had... 6 people searching for it (me, my dad, my brother, my aunt, and my 2 cousins) ALL around the coordinate (it's not exactly on the spot, just within 10-ish feet) when someone who actually worked there and had no idea why we were loitering came out and apparently started talking to my dad. It was sooo tiring digging around in the bushes and the trees and the dirt, and then I suddenly found it in a hollow where a thin-ish stone had been removed/fallen out and the partially re-covered with regular rocks. And screamed. And jumped around like an idiot. And caused the rest of the kids there to scream and cheer like we were insane. We ended up explaining the whole geocaching situation to the official (who was apparently watching us climb up and down and snoop everywhere... imagine the suspicion if we hadn't found it :P) and now the Kirkland City Hall staff can try to find it/laugh at other lost geocachers. But maybe it just takes so incredibly long because we're stupid newbies =D.

I can't think of anything else significant enough to write about... Happy 4th of July in a couple of days =P and be sure to launch tons of illegal fireworks haha. (Or go into unincorporated King/other counties, that always works. Oh. And just to pound this into Polly's head, I'll type the entire lyrics for 'My Freeze Ray.' And if she EVER calls him 'Mr. Horrible' again when he is so obviously and without any question 'Dr. Horrible' (He has a PHD in horribleness =P) then there will be blood. It might be yours (this is directed at Polly, of course). So go kill someone; Signed, Bad Horse <3 lol, I couldn't resist =DDD And you already know that I'm obsessed, so what's the point in hiding it.
Laundry day/See you there/Underthings/Tumbling/Wanna say/Love your hair/Here I go/Mumbling/With my freeze ray I will stop the world/With my freeze ray I will find the time to find the words to/Tell you how/How you make/Make me feel/What's the phrase?/Like a fool/Kinda sick/Special needs/Anyways/With my freeze ray I will stop the pain/It's not a death ray or an ice beam that's all Johnny Snow/I just think you need time to know/That I'm the guy to make it real/The feelings you don't dare to feel/I'll bend the world to our will/And we'll make time stand still [-illl :D then the music interlude and dancing/shoulder thing =P]/That's the plan/Rule the world/You and me/Anyday [ahhh! cute wink =P]/Love your hair 'What?' No I love the... air, heh... Anyway/With my freeze ray I will stop- [Moist slams open the door]
Am I obsessed? Looks like it. Do you laugh at me? Yes. Are these rhetorical questions annoying? Slightly. But, just throwing this out there, Libbles and Aberforth and even Polly-Wolly know the lyrics too, or some of them. Although, I think I know all of the songs besides Commentary the Musical. Heh. Digging my own grave here (You know, that should be a nicer expression. I know there's 'making my own bed' or 'digging my own hole (?)' but those are just as bad.)

Before I talk (type) on for too much more... BYE! And, I probably won't post for a few more months. Unless pressured to again.

'Depressing shot.' ~Cherry~

P.S. Guess where that quote's from ;)

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Buahaha, because I haven't posted in soooo long, and I am mentally being forced to by a certain Pollyninja, I'll just give a whole jumble of things for you all to read (that is if you read it at all ;) ).

Okay, first, ummmm.... Deviantart is awesome!!! There are some really talented people out there, who own computers, and sometimes tablets and photoshop... sigh. I might end up joining if I have the time, and actually regularly draw larger projects so I can get better- I need to decide on a style or something. By the way, the sigh was because digital art looks really fun, but I have none of the materials necessary to try it :( but it also looks difficult and would take a lot of practice, so I can't exactly go over to my friend's house (one who has said materials) and just sit and draw for hours. That wouldn't be very nice. But anyways, for those of you readers/skimmers who actually go to, go to my friend's page: She's a really excellent creative writer, at least in my opinion, albeit a bit emo at times in her poems/stories, and a great person (I've known her since kindergarden, when I first moved here). And Pollyninja knows her too from online, isn't it strange how these coincidences occur?

What next...? Oh! Props to all my buddies, well I'm including everyone, who went and made it to finals in state of NHD !! As of now this is the news I have recieved, so I may be a bit behind the announcements, but still...
I'm pretty much blathering on about now, just trying to make this a decent-sized post.... Umm, I found a really good (funny, creative) tv show not too long ago- Dead Like Me. It has regular swearing, so you can't be afraid of the f-bomb ;) but it provides a really interesting plotline of what happens after death. It's all about this girl, Georgia (George) Lass, who gets killed by a fiery toilet seat reentering the earth from a Russian space station (I think) that explodes, and so she becomes a grim reaper and takes peoples souls before death, making sure they get to their final resting place.

From left to right in the picture are the reapers Daisy (she's an attention-loving actress who supposedly had 'relationships' with a bunch of old film stars), Roxy (she's a strong-willed/sassy parking attendant), Rube (this group of reapers' boss, essentially, who writes the to-be-dead's initials and estimated time of death on post-it notes that he gives to the reapers), George (she's the main character, an 18-year-old girl and new grim reaper), and Mason (he's British and a bad-boy of sorts, a drug/alcohol addict). As you can probably tell, I really like this series, so sorry for blathering on about it too much :)

Great Quotes (that I can remember):
Rube: (when asked if he really cares about George) "Sure, you make my face look like this and concerned words come out"
Mason: "I've got illegals in my bottom"
George: "Life sucks, and then you die. And then it still sucks."
Mason: "I'm so smart I'm practically retarded!"

And so now I'll wrap this up, this post is just a bunch of writing. But first, Neil Patrick Harris is a really great actor, I love Dr. Horrible!! He was even on Sesame Street as a shoe fairy, pretty hilarious and insane:

Monday, March 23, 2009

Procrastination... Survey Thing

I figured that last time monopoly posted an email quiz, then everyone ended up responding, so let me try :) Plus, I don't want to do the IS study guide right now and this is a good time consumer, AND I haven't posted since January... that was a long time ago.

1. FIRST NAME? Ceridwen
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not this question again... everyone asks about my name. Fine, the Celtic goddess of wisdom, which my dad found in a comic book.
3. DO YOU WISH ON STARS? I used to .
5. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? No, but who does?
7. WHAT IS YOUR BIRTH DATE? May 24, 19something oooh... mysterious
8. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Of course! I mean, who wouldn't be?
9. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? Does it count if I never write?
10. DO YOU USE SARCASM A LOT? No, of course not
11. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Oh dear... Ceri, Cherry, Rhinoceri, Cherry Blossom, Cheri, Cheridwen, Cer-Cer, Berry (my brother), Ceri-ous (like 'serious'), Car (my initials)
12. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Maybe, if it was safe... and then I would chicken out until someone pushed me off the edge.
14. DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE STRONG? In what way? I can carry around my backpack that must weigh a bunch...
15. WHAT IS YOU FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Mint Chocolate Chip or Raspberry Gelato
16. SHOE SIZE? 8 or 8 1/2
17. RED OR PINK? Red
18. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? Procrastinating, or my control-freakish perfectionism.
19. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Hmmm... most of my elementary school friends who all are scattered. Umm.. some aliases are Nuzai, Darker Illusions, Not a K!!, E.T., 'Pear,' and 'Smosh.'
20. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE YOU SEND THIS TO, TO SEND IT BACK? Sure, although posting is not necessarily 'sending.' :)
21. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW? Blue sweat/pajama pants and my special invisible and non-existent socks.
22. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? My brother complaining that he has to read... Oh! I guess this means music. Well, *going to iTunes, clicking on random, refreshing until I get a song that's NOT my dad's* ummm... Perfect Day by Hoku
23. LAST THING YOU ATE? What do you know, Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream ;)
25. 1ST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Well, this is vague... If I glance around the room then obviously just physical looks or what everyone's doing, but if it means what I like (upon first notice) in a guy then a nice personality? I guess?
26. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU? Yeah, although it was around three or four years ago... I store messages usually. He was really nice and sat next to me when I was in fifth grade... we created a gummy bear civilization :) So strange...
27. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Plum, or dull turquoise
28. WHAT IS THE WEATHER LIKE RIGHT NOW? Well, I'm guessing from earlier, but I think misting.
29. FAVORITE DRINK? Pomegranate Juice!!!!
30. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SPORT? Watching: Football, Playing: heh... I don't know... Volleyball.
31. HAIR COLOR? Brown, lightens or darkens based on how much time I spend outside :)
32. EYE COLOR? Hazel, it fades from green to brown, and changes sometimes.
34. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? In a theater, Coraline
35. FAVORITE FOOD? Umm... Mashed potatoes and gravy. Or chicken roll-ups. Or knifla and sausage. There's too many to decide.
36. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? February 30th. No, really, I guess I like Christmas.
37. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDING? Happy endings are nice :)
38. SUMMER OR WINTER? Ooh, tough one... Summer has no school and it's really fun to be outside, but Winter has a school break and wonderful snow. I guess I'll go with summer.
39. HUGS OR KISSES? Well... you never know... ;) jk. Hugs.
40. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DESSERT? Oh my, Chocolate Lava Cake!!!!
43. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? Well, I 'live' in a cardboard box behind the Albertsons, alone. :) But really, I live with my parents and brother, and my wonderful beagle bagel.
44. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? I don't know... Usually when I start a book I read until I finish. But I guess I'm reading The Golden Compass series, Steven King, and I WANT to read Inkdeath and Brinsingr, but first I'll have to reread both series.
45. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I don't have one, but I guess my mouse would be. If you mean design, then CORNELL UNIVERSITY repeated. But my finger is on my touchpad ;)
46. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT? An episode of The Office, Season 4
Stupid 47... I always knew it was a bad number... always hiding *grumble*
48. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU'VE BEEN FROM HOME? Malaysia, but I don't remember it, so I guess London :)
49. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MOVIE OF ALL TIME? I'm not good at picking favorites... How about I leave it as Nightmare Before Christmas for now.
50. WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT FAVORITE, CAN'T MISS TV? Well, I have a DVR, so I can miss whatever I want! But, anyways, I like 30 Rock, The Office, and my special interior design show Colorsplash. And I still watch cartoons :)

Friday, January 30, 2009

Let the Right One In

Guten abend! Wie ghets?
German is a funny language, although I guess not as strange as English seems to them. I do like the ümlaut especially- there's something so special about two dots over a letter. Maybe it's pingüino that makes me feel this way... Anyways, taking a leaf out of the two stooges' books, I will attempt to review a movie. Now I'm not an actor, or a critic, or nearing any of those standards and this is just my non-eloquent and nontechnical opinion.

This movie was playing in the Varsity Theater in the U-District, and it is just a Norwegian film with English subtitles. It's called Låt den rätte komma in, or Let the Right One In, and is an excellent vampire movie. It's basically about this kid, around 12 years old, named Oskar whose life is pretty bad, with his parents divorced and getting bullied at school. But then some new neighbors- a girl named Eli and her father- move in. She gradually becomes an actual friend to Oskar and teaches him to stand up for himself, but she seems a little strange; she doesn't mind the cold and the snow, and is really good at puzzles :). A little while later, some odd murders took place while we (the viewers) see the criminal in the act... and if I keep going there might be too much given away.

But overall, this vampire movie follows the older, and arguably more real, myths, and has a really interesting plot. The filming and some stunts is really well done too- there are several shots that could be really pretty still camera pictures. It is not for the extremely squeamish, and is apparently rated R (I had no idea until around 5 minutes ago) because although there is not crazy blood or visible violence, it is a vampire movie :) and a very good one at that. I'm not going to try to give it a 'star' or 'buttery bag of popcorn' or even a simple number rating because of my wishywashiness. All I'm saying is that I recommend that you, especially my more movie-obsessed amigas, watch it.

Hmmm.... an ending quote...
" 'Cause I'm looking for internal truth and not a date"
Felicia Day as Penny in Dr. Horrible's Commentary! the Musical

Wow... that was a pretty long attribution. Is that what it's called? Anyways, probably only Brecht will understand anyways, so this whole last part was pretty useless. I'll be quiet now.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Taffy :)

Well, because of 'popular demand,' and the fact that I can't think of anything interesting to write, here are some silly pictures of Taffy...

Somehow, she got onto the top of our couch and was sleeping there without falling off.

Hiding in her bed...

Everything that I thought was mine: slippers, beanbag...

I think she just woke up, and seems more than half asleep still.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Have I Done What?

Following in Ms. Pony's footsteps, I might as well highlight this list too, with added comments of course.

1. Started your own blog (really... trust me)
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band (does Rock Band count?)
4. Visited Hawaii (twice!)
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Bathed in a river
7. Been to the Taj Mahal
8. Walked on a glacier in Alaska
9. Caught and held a snake (at 6th grade camp, it was part of an 'activity,' though)
10. Spoke in front of a big crowd (how big is 'big'?)
11. Bungee jumped
12. Had a whirlwind love affair that broke your heart
13. Found an arrowhead or fossil
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (or at least attempted to for a while, like piano)
15. Rescued an animal (see, there was this poor frog stranded... oh, does this mean like a dog?)
16. Ate sweet breads, glands or tripe
17. Seen Mount Rushmore in person
18. Grown your own vegetables (not completely by myself, but in our garden)
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight (please don't say that you haven't)
22. Hiked to base camp on Mt. Everest
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort (1st time this last winter)
25. Watched an animal being born
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Learned a foreign language (4, but 3 not fluently at all)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Stayed up for more than 24 hours (I think I have, or very nearly- like 1 hour of sleep)
31. Trained a dog to do cool tricks
32. Been on a cruise (to Hawaii!)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (no, but apparently there's this tiny town in Eastern Washington called Odessa where basically everyone is my cousin, with a last name of Goetz)
35. Seen an Amish community (not that I remember, but my dad says that I have...)
36. Can drive a stick shift car (I know what to do, but haven't tried)
37. Won over $1000 in a raffle or lottery
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke (heheh...)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Been serenaded (seriously, no; as a dare, yes)
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight (it's actually really cool)
46. Broke a bone (the school nurse gave me an ice pack)
47. Started your own business (does a little lemonade stand count?)
48. Quit a job because you were totally unhappy
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the Eiffel Tower
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (I took lessons when I was younger)
53. Played in the mud (so squishy)
54. Gone to a drive-in (stole the hotel bedsheets to sit on, and saw Live Free or Die Hard)
55. Been in a movie (on the news, but not a real movie)
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Joined a prayer group
58. Taken a martial arts class (for about three years, *hwataaaa*)
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (the Thin Mints are soooo good)
62. Gone whale watching
63. Received flowers for no reason (only as those random 'here you go' presents)
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy (I still have stuffed animals from a long time ago)
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (when I was less than 3 years old)
71. Eaten caviar
72. Pieced a quilt (DON'T do this for your senior project)
73. Stood in Times Square (again when I was really little)
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the changing of the guards in London (read it and weep)
77. Broken something extremely expensive (you klutz, moni)
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book (does "The Three Little Fish and the Big Bad Shark count?)
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Got a tattoo (only temporary... like the water ones)
83. Been to a coffee shop in Amsterdam
84. Seen the aurora borealis in person (I wish... it's so pretty)
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox (I was one of the weenies with the vaccine)
89. Saved someone’s life (yes, in the sense of 'thanks sooo much, you are a life saver')
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous (I think that Seahawk players should count)
92. Joined a book club (*shudder* the evil sub)
93. Lost a loved one (surprisingly, no, everyone who has died in my family I hardly remember)
94. Toured the UN
95. Hiked to Machu Picchu
96. Swam in the Indian Ocean
97. Conversed with someone when neither of you spoke each others language (my grandpa has in Italy, the cab driver spoke Spanish and Italian, and he only knew tidbits of Spanish)
98. Dirty danced (well... wouldn't you like to know ;) )
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Acted in a play (the awful third grade school play, ugh)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Peer Pressure Strikes... AGAIN!

'Ello everyone, and, yes, I did get a blog. Which I will most likely never update unless I am bothered even more. Peer pressure and constant nagging really gets to me, so I really hope there are none of those 'real life' situations that everyone always talks about coming up anytime soon.

Although I may just end up blocking everyone except invites, I'm not inclined to share anything but my random thoughts to the world. See, for instance, if I put up a picture of my beloved beagle, some dog stalker who is also on this very blog website may track her down and then proceed to stalk her. This may not be the most drastic situation, but, you have to admit, it could happen. However, I will probably go back on my word and end up posting a whole bunch of Taffy pictures anyways, among other things.

If I'm going to go ahead and pretend that people will read this, I might as well introduce myself-- though some would argue that they know more about me than me... or at least think that they have more accurate opinions of me.

I have a dog, a beagle named Taffy, and cats despise me. Seriously, they scratch me up EVERY time I try to hold them. You could try to guess my age, but I can only say for certain that I'm in school. So, if we're all thinking about this logically, I would be 0, or 1, at the youngest and maybe at oldest around 24 if I just got my Bachelor's degree in college. But, seeing as I can type coherent sentences and appear to have a sense of grammar, punctuation, and some knowledge at least, I may or may not be over 9, let's say. And, of course, if you already know me, even with my super secret code name, then this whole excercise was useless. Hmmm... I guess you could say that I tend to overthink things and am a perfectionist, in a way (or a lot of ways). And I am in no way a social butterfly-- more like a worm, who hides underground all the time; although I could be a caterpillar because people claim that I have potential.

Anyhow, that 'short' introduction became really long really fast, so I will end this post with a cool quote that I found:

'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.
- Abraham Lincoln (attributed to)